Top 10 films about the history of Jews and Israel

October 08, 2023

The history of Jews and the state of Israel is a saga of resilience, faith, and endurance against monumental odds. Throughout the years, filmmakers have captured the nuances of this history, bringing to life pivotal events and narratives. Here, we explore ten exceptional films that delve into the rich tapestry of Jewish heritage and the story of the State of Israel, each providing a unique lens into significant historical events.

1200 BC - "Exodus: Gods and Kings" (Exodus of Jews from Egypt)

"Exodus: Gods and Kings" transports viewers to ancient Egypt, narrating the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites to freedom. With stunning visual effects, the film vividly portrays the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the Exodus, capturing the essence of one of the foundational tales of Jewish history.

25 CE - "Ben-Hur" (Jewish life under Roman rule)

Set against the backdrop of the Roman Empire, "Ben-Hur" chronicles the life of a Jewish prince who is enslaved and later seeks revenge against his childhood friend, a Roman officer. The film explores themes of friendship, betrayal, and the triumph of the human spirit, offering a captivating portrayal of Jewish life under Roman rule.

33 CE - "Risen" (Jesus Christ)

"Risen" takes audiences to the aftermath of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the subsequent search for His body. Through the eyes of a Roman tribune, the film explores the early days of Christianity and the cultural and political tensions of the time, shedding light on the emergence of a new faith amidst the Jewish community.

73 CE - "Masada" (Siege of Masada)

"Masada" recounts the gripping tale of the Siege of Masada, a fortress where Jewish rebels made their last stand against the Roman Empire. The film portrays the courage and determination of the Jewish defenders, emphasizing the importance of honor and sacrifice in Jewish history.

1037 - "The Physician" (Jews in the Caliphate)

Set in medieval Europe, "The Physician" follows a young Christian boy who disguises himself as a Jew to study medicine. The film delves into the challenges faced by Jews during the Middle Ages, highlighting their contributions to various fields and showcasing the enduring spirit of Jewish scholarship.

1187 - "Kingdom of Heaven" (Crusades)

Against the backdrop of the Crusades, "Kingdom of Heaven" explores the complex relationships between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Jerusalem. The film delves into religious tolerance, cultural diversity, and the struggles for coexistence, offering a nuanced portrayal of the city's historical significance to multiple faiths.

1939 - "Schindler's List" (Holocaust)

A profoundly moving portrayal of the Holocaust, "Schindler's List" tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Polish-Jewish refugees during World War II. The film provides a haunting account of the Holocaust's horrors while celebrating the bravery and humanity of those who resisted.

1948 - "A Tale of Love and Darkness" (Creation of the State of Israel)

Based on the memoir by Amos Oz, "A Tale of Love and Darkness" captures the early years of the State of Israel. The film explores the struggles of the Jewish immigrants and the challenges they faced in establishing a homeland, providing an intimate portrayal of the dreams, hopes, and disillusionments of the time.

1982 - "Beaufort" (Lebanon War)

"Beaufort" delves into the Israeli withdrawal from the Beaufort Castle in Lebanon, focusing on the experiences of Israeli soldiers stationed there. The film offers a glimpse into the challenges faced by the Israeli military and the emotional toll of war, reflecting the broader narrative of Israel's military history.

2010 - "Bethlehem" (Israeli-Palestinian conflict)

"Bethlehem" takes viewers into the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, exploring the intricate relationships between informants and handlers in the region. The film provides a gripping portrayal of the complexities of the conflict, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals caught in the crossfire.

These films serve as powerful reminders of the historical events that have shaped Jewish and Israeli identity. Through the lens of cinema, they allow audiences to connect with the past, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges, triumphs, and enduring spirit that define the Jewish people and the State of Israel.