Top 5 apps to take care about your health

May 07, 2023

Taking care of our health is one of the most important aspects of living a fulfilling life. Fortunately, technology has made it easier than ever to keep track of our health and well-being. There are countless apps available that can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle, from tracking our physical activity to monitoring our sleep patterns. In this article, we will be exploring the top five apps to take care of your health.

1. MapMyWalk - for tracking daily distance

MapMyWalk is a fitness tracking app that allows users to track their daily distance, calories burned, and route taken during walks. The app uses GPS to track the user's location and displays the information in an easy-to-read format. With MapMyWalk, users can set goals, track progress, and stay motivated to reach their fitness goals.

2. American Red Cross - for First Aid instructions

The American Red Cross app is a must-have for anyone who wants to be prepared for emergencies. The app provides step-by-step instructions for performing first aid procedures, as well as information on how to respond to different types of emergencies. The app also includes a feature that allows users to locate nearby hospitals and blood donation centers.

3. Goopatient - for keeping health records

Goopatient is a health record-keeping app that allows users to keep track of their medical history, doctor's appointments, and medications. The app is particularly useful for those with chronic conditions who need to keep track of their symptoms and treatments. With Goopatient, users can easily access their health information from anywhere, making it easier to share information with doctors and caregivers.

4. SleepScore - for sleep phase alarm clock

SleepScore is a sleep tracking app that monitors the user's sleep patterns and provides recommendations for improving sleep quality. The app uses a combination of sensors and machine learning algorithms to track sleep stages, heart rate, and other metrics. With SleepScore, users can set sleep goals, track their progress, and receive personalized recommendations for improving their sleep hygiene.

5. Workrave - for microbreaks while working

Workrave is an app that reminds users to take breaks and stretch their eyes during long periods of computer use. The app provides customizable reminders and exercises to help prevent eye strain and other computer-related injuries. With Workrave, users can stay focused and productive while also taking care of their health.