Top 6 methods to fall asleep for those who have tried everything

June 16, 2023

If you are reading this article than probably you have already tried different methods to fall asleep, but they don't help. Meanwhile your wife/husband falls asleep in 5 minutes without any special methods? That's ok. Your (and my) first mistake was to start looking for these methods and trying them. And now our brain works against us. But what to do now? Here are 6 things we can do to get our sleep back to normal in the long term period.

1. Don't try to fall asleep

If you are trying to use some mental method to fall asleep, you'll never fall asleep. Humble yourself, that you can't control falling asleep and you can't learn how to do it. It's not in your power. Be ready to have a sleepless night (not big deal) and treat falling asleep as luck. The following methods just give you a chance to fall asleep.

2. Don't limit your thinking

While you lie with your eyes closed, your brain will be working (you will be thinking about something). It's ok, because the brain can't stop, and don't try to stop it. Also don't try to change the theme or intensity of thinking in order to fall asleep. The brain can proceed to sleep mode in different ways and there is no simple relationship between thinking mode and falling into sleep (like: think less and only about the good things and you'll fall asleep).

3. Don't blame little noise and light

Of course, nobody can fall asleep if loud music or news channel is playing nearby or the sun is shining directly into the eyes. But in general people normally sleep (and fall asleep) when they hear regular/familiar sounds (like road noise or husband's snoring) or when a lamp in the room is on. Basically, if you completely get rid of all noises and lights - it won't influence the speed of falling asleep.

4. Adjust the temperature

If your body is hot or cold, you will not fall asleep. So if you feel hot, just take a lighter blanket or open up. Then, when the metabolism slows down and the body cools down, you'll take cover. The same, if you feel cold - don't think it will help to slower the metabolism. Ideally have two blankets near you to regulate the temperature.

5. Satisfy all basic needs

Of course it's like "Thank you Captain Obvious!", but it's still worth remembering. You can't fall asleep if you want to go to the toilet or if you are hungry or if you have a pain in the stomach. Solve these problems and then go to bed.

6. Use insomnia drugs (but not regularly)

Sometimes, when it's important to have a sleep - it's normal to take an insomnia pill (like Ambien or Lunesta) if you have no contraindications. Of course, if you take it often/regularly, your brain will get used and stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin on its own. Also bear in mind, that insomnia pill doesn't guarantee anything but just enhances your chances to fall asleep.